Branding the City of Montclair
Industrial Insert with Specific Plan and Commercial Properties Map
Trade Show Booth Snapshot
Trade Show Booth Snapshot
Trade Show Booth Snapshot
Industry Retail and Leasing Opportunities Book
Industry Retail and Leasing Opportunities Book
Popup Banner
Patterned Poly Press Kit Folders

City of Montclair
Branding and Identity
Established in 1977 with a population of nearly 1 million people within a 10-mile trade area , the City of Montclair has long been a popular retail and dining destination. With the acquisition of the 1.25 million-square foot mall and the development of the North Montclair Downtown Specific Plan, Montclair was in the prime market for dynamic new developments. The City was rapidly becoming a destination for urban, pedestrian-friendly, mixed-use opportunities.
Following an RFP process, we were selected as the firm to head the rebrand of the City's relocation and economic development marketing materials. To start, we designed materials for the Las Vegas International Council of Shopping Centers (ICSC), including:
Trade Show Booth and Graphics
Industry Specific Handouts
Presskit Folders
Regional and Vicinity Maps
and Commercial Opportunities Guide